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Writer's pictureLee Picco

Improve Your Leadership With These 3 Simple Tips

Updated: May 23, 2018

If you are currently a leader or are interested in becoming a leader, constant improvement is key to ensuring that you are continuing to build your skills and abilities in order to grow, so that you can do the same for your team and organization.

Today, I go through 3 quick and valuable ways you can begin improving your leadership skills today. So let’s jump in.

"Creating these rich-productive environments is as simple as engaging with your team regularly"


Creating an environment where others feel comfortable and secure, allows them to operate at their best.

When people feel like they can be themselves, have fun, and can step outside their comfort zone to try new things (without fear of failure) creates an environment rich with innovation and creativity. Not an environment that feels too loose and unproductive, which is a more traditional view on these types of environments.

I had the privilege of working with a large client who had a work environment which included ping pong tables, a gym, video games, and a full kitchen (with chefs!!). Although there were a couple exceptions, the people that worked for this client were mostly all high-performers.

They knew that if they worked hard, they could play hard as well.

Now, this does not mean that you need to go as far as creating an indoor arcade for your employees or team.

Creating these rich-productive environments is as simple as engaging with your team regularly ensuring that they understand performance expectations, yes, but also that they learn about you and what you stand for. Will you allow them to have flexibility in their work, to take risks (within certain parameters) and come up with wild ideas without fear of ridicule?

If they know that your expectations also includes them being the best versions of themselves, and that they have your support in doing so, they will rise to the occasion and help you be the best version of yourself too.

"Looking inward for greater self-understanding, without ridicule or judgement, provides the opportunity to clarify your own vision & purpose"


Another key way to improve your leadership abilities, is to schedule time for self-reflection.

Looking inward for greater self-understanding, without ridicule or judgement, provides the opportunity to clarify your own vision & purpose (why am a leader? Do I enjoy leading others? How can I better serve those that rely on me for guidance and direction?) and identify areas where you can improve your skills and abilities as a leader.

Challenging the ways your are currently leading a team or organization is also a good form of self-reflection, as all too often the behaviours that have delivered previous performance are not necessarily the behaviours that will deliver us better future results.

Lastly, take time to think critically about leadership concepts (even this article) before adopting new ways of doing things, or continuing with old ways.

Traditional leadership concepts are still important but only if new ideas and applications are considered and included. Thinking critically about these concepts during your self-reflection provides the opportunity to consider how, if, and where you apply these concepts.

"The role of the leader in the influence relationship is to align people with a shared purpose, and describe a compelling vision for the future so that others desire change"


Influence is a huge part of being a great leader, however mostly misunderstood.

Many think that influence is something that a leader does to another person in order to get them to do something that the leader wants them to do. Which is more of a description of coercion, and not influence.

Some even try to frame influence as “getting someone to want to do something that you want them to do”, versus that person feeling like they have to do it. Although this sounds better, it is still a form of coercion. Just packaged prettier.

Influence is actually a reciprocal relationship that happens amongst people. These relationships take place when two or more people share in a common purpose, desire change, and are intentional in delivering results aligned with that shared purpose.

I want to take a moment to further clarify that true influence, again, is a reciprocal or multi-directional relationship. It is not something that one person does to another, but rather something that happens amongst people. The leader influences their contributors, and the contributors influence the leader as well.

Thus, the role of the leader in the influence relationship is to align people with a shared purpose, and describe a compelling vision for the future so that others desire change.

Then, and only then, will influence truly take form.

"There is no 'one size fits all' approach, which is why constant improvement is so important to great leadership"


There are multiple skills, traits, and characteristics to becoming a great leader, and the trick is to work on building these habits and behaviours a few at a time.

Taking on too much at once, like anything, will just leave you doing a bunch of stuff half as good as you would if you just took on a few until you were really good at them. Then choose a couple more.

By focusing on creating the right environments, scheduling time for self-reflection that includes critical thought, and building influence-based relationships, you will be well on your way to building a foundation for great leadership.

Remember, a great leader is someone who is able to adjust their behaviour depending on the situation, readiness of their team members, the environment and overall culture. There is no “one size fits all” approach, which is why constant improvement is so important to great leadership.

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